Norse god Odin on the throne
Odin (or Óðinn) is, in Norse mythology, the eldest and mightiest of the Gods. After drinking from the well of Mimes by one of the roots of the tree Yggdrasil, Odin becomes the wisest of all the gods, but in the process becomes one-eyed as he sacrifices one eye to gain this knowledge. He sits upon his throne in Valhalla, and from there he sees all that happens in our world. He rides the eight-legged stallion Sleipner, carries the spear Gungne, which never get stuck, and he is known as the warrior God. Together with his wife Frigga, the most powerful Goddess, he has two sons; Baldur and Hod, and together with the Goddess Jord, he has their son Thor. In Norwegian, Wednesday – onsdag, comes from old Odins dag (=Odin’s day).
Height: 9 cm
Width: 3,7 cm
Depth: 3,7 cm
Material: polystone