The Magical Creatures of Norway - Troll
“The Magical Creatures of Norway - Troll” is a fictional guide to all things trolls. From small Tusser to gigantic Jotun, this comprehensive guide illustrates and explains in detail the fascinating and often scary world of trolls. If you came here for a thrilling tale of dangerous creatures in Norway and how they came to be, you came to the right place.
A book suited for adults with both mature topics and language. The author does not shy away from the brutality of war or the intimacy of troll mating in their portrayal of these mystical beings. You will discover how Norway’s classical fairy tales spawned and learn how the Norwegians managed to interact with trolls – not all is what it seems…
You will learn about Troll’s habits, what they eat, where they live and how you should act should you happen to cross their paths. With highly polished and detailed composites and engaging writing this book is sure to captivate its readers!
If you didn’t believe in trolls before, you certainly will now!
Language: English
Author: Rosenvold, Anne Marie
Design: Mork, Per
Height: 23 cm
Width: 22,5 cm
Depth: 1,4 cm
Number of pages: 135