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Sustainability and transparency

We are family business established back in 1868. Our ancestors ran a tannery and leather making business in the 19th century. The workshop continued into the 21st century, but today the business revolves around trading gifts and souvenirs to shops and individuals both in- and outside Norway. In recent years the growth of tourism in Norway and the subsequent demand for souvenirs has made the selling of those items the company's highest priority.

You can find us in a small village named Ler, about 30 km south of Trondheim. 

Brødrene Flaarønning design our own products, and some production is based in Norway, though most our manufacturers are located in the Baltics and the East. 

Both environmental and ethical work can be challenging to stay on top of with a substantial amount of small manufacturers all over the world. The board however has strong ambitions to be the best concerning the environment and ethical work in our line of work. 



We became Eco-Lighthouse certified in 2022.

The Eco-Lighthouse cerfitication is the most prestigous aknowlegdement a company can receive in Norway, concerning environmental and community centred responsibilities. The certification is the first national aknowledgement approved by the EU that fullfills the requirements by EMAS and ISO 14001. 

An Eco-Lighthouse certification confirms that the company has good routines, and is activaly working with environmental issues, work environment and product safety. To have this certification the company pledges to continuously work on topics ranging from waste management to CO2 emissions, from physical and psychological work environments to focus on environmental and sustainable product development and purchases.

You can read more about the Eco-Lighthouse certifications here:




In 2024 we became a proud member of Amfori.

Amfori is an international non-profit organisation concerning ethical trade and the environment. The focus lies on human rights, sustainability, and manufacturers all over the world being environmentally friendly. 

Through Amfori our manufacturers are audited on human rights, sustainability and their environmental friendlyness. These audits are performed by Amfori's partners by request from us or other member companies. Amfori has a large system for following up on these manufacturers, and helping them improve their work regarding human rights, sustainability and their environmental friendlyness.

You can read more about what Amfori does here:

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